Here are some frequently asked questions about the yips.
Who gets the yips?
- Recent studies show that up to 48% of experienced golfers suffer from some forms of the yips.
- High achievers, ultra-competitive golfers, perfectionists and longtime players are particularly susceptible.
Why is this?
- Because avid golfers and individuals with these traits generally try harder or work more when presented with a challenge or an obstacle that’s difficult to overcome.
Why won’t trying harder work?
- Because trying to consciously force athletic actions is not as effective as specific training to allow subconscious mastery of athletic action.
- You cannot overcome this; it’s the way our brains are wired.
Why can’t I just work at perfecting my stroke?
- Because nobody’s perfect so stop trying to be!
- Some of the greatest players of all time have already tried this method with poor results.
- Conscious force may result in some short term success. You may have already experienced this, but it won’t last.
Why can’t I train my way out of the yips?
- Because technical flaws are not the sole factor in causing the putting yips.
- So any training that involves only physical drills designed to improve technique, changing to a new putter, putting grip or putting style—CANNOT and WILL NOT have LONG TERM SUCCESS.
If it’s not all technical flaws then it’s mental and how do I deal with that?
- Sports psychologists have developed many outstanding peak performance programs that focus primarily on mental training. But because your conscious brain acts as a filter you cannot fool yourself into being confident by talking or thinking alone. Especially, when your mind continues to see you perform poorly.
- That’s why you need a comprehensive plan, and not just another tip.
What makes this program different than all the other yips solutions?
- Because it’s revolutionary in it’s approach to the problem.
- It offers a multifaceted solution that attacks the issue from every angle.
- Every aspect of the training is very specific to addressing the problems that cause the yips.
- And it gives you the time you need to succeed.
Will I have to do visualization training, because I don’t think I can do it?
- You already are—you just may not realize it.
- It’s really about changing your mental images so that they are productive rather than destructive to your performance.
Visualization training just seems like a waste of time, do I really need it?
- Absolutely, you won’t fix the yips without it.
- Plus if the greatest players do it why wouldn’t you?
- It gives you the best chance to reach your own potential.
60 days seems like a long time, why is the program so long?
- It takes time to break down your current established habits and beliefs and then rebuild and embed new habits and beliefs.
I’ll do just about anything to fix my yips, how do I know this program will work?
- Because nothing you’ve tried to date, will be as comprehensive in addressing all aspects of the issue so that you fully understand why you’ve got the yips.
- Nothing you’ve tried to date will provide as detailed physical and mental training regime to resolve them.
- And nothing you’ve tried to date has provided the time you need to rebuild your confidence.
Is it as easy and straightforward as it sounds?
- I never said it was easy, just that it works.
- You’re going have to put in the time and effort.
- You will have plenty of set-backs and you need to be prepared for these set-backs.
- But CURING YOUR YIPS will be well worth the sacrifice.