Gary Ward - Creator of Cure the Golf Yips

I am a 30 year PGA Professional, with an education background in Golf Business and Facility Management from the San Diego Golf Academy (Golf Academy of America). And I have over 30 years of practical experience in playing professionally across North America, teaching and working as both a Head Professional and General Manager (Director of Golf) at both public and exclusive private clubs.

  • I have been assisting golfers to improve for over 30 years with simple, straightforward solutions to help them improve their performance and increase their pleasure from the great game of golf.
  • I have seen and taken private lessons from many of the world’s top instructors.
  • I have read virtually every book on peak performance in golf and other sports.
  • I had the yips, so I understand exactly how you feel, what you’re going through and how badly you want to cure them..
  • I also know that any instructor that doesn’t have the yips really cannot understand the magnitude of emotions that they exact upon those that have them.
  • I know how fearful and apprehensive that you are when you get onto the putting green.

Because of my personal experience, I can relate to this affliction, that’s why it’s so important to me to help you overcome the yips.

My education and practical experience when coupled with my personal experience suffering from the yips drove me to develop a long-term cure for putting yips.

This program is a result of years of research and I know that it works.

If you decide to buy the program and cure your yips, you’ll see I’ve put a ton of work into this program and I believe it’s the best program on the market.

I want you to cure your yips and I know you want to cure your yips!

I know this program will help you and I hope you decide to sign up.

You’ll love the results and you’ll enjoy the process to achieve them!


Gary Ward

Class “A” PGA Professional


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