What each week looks like.
Week 1 – This week you will have 15-20 minutes of daily reading during the first 5 days. This will be your introduction to the program so you have a better understanding of what the overall plan is and how it will assist you to “Cure Your Yips”. Today you will watch a “Pure Putting” video for drill #1 and listen to the “Pure Putting” audio for drill #1 while you complete you first practice session. During your practice session you will initiate step #1 of your mental training and at the end of each day you will take a moment to fill out your daily success sheet so we can chart your progress.
Week 2 – You will continue to watch “Pure Putting” videos of your new drills and then follow along with “Pure Putting” audios as you complete your daily training sessions. Step #2 of your mental training starts this week. To make it as easy as possible for you, it’s integrated right into your daily training sessions. You will learn more about confidence versus belief and how the program will help you to rebuild both of them over the next 60 days.
Week 3 – Watch “Pure Putting” videos of your new drills and then follow along with “Pure Putting” audios as you complete your daily training sessions. The audio training ensures you get the most out of each session and also helps you to overcome the inevitable set-backs you will encounter. By this week you will already notice that your thinking and self-talk will have a more positive tone and you should already be noticing a tremendous decrease in overall body tension. You should also be getting used to filling out your daily success chart and reflecting on your progress to date.
Week 4 – You will continue to watch “Pure Putting” videos of your new drills and then follow along with “Pure Putting” audios as you complete your daily training sessions. At this point you will be well into the process of breaking down your old technical and mental habits and forming your new habits. You will learn more about the role expectations play in causing the yips and why you will learn to manage these thoughts more effectively. Your visualization practice will also take on a new dimension this week. This visualization is made easy for you because you’ll listen to the “Pure Putting” visualization audio that will walk you through the entire process.
Week 5 – You will be comfortable with the technical training routine but will be challenged with new drills each week. You will continue to watch “Pure Putting” videos of your new drills and then follow along with “Pure Putting” audios as you complete your daily training sessions. At this point the program will address why you need to add some new steps to your putting routine if you are to reach your potential. The mental training also adds some new exercises to keep things interesting and to start embedding the process of thinking like a peak performer.
Week 6 – At this point you will already be feeling a new sense of confidence and optimism toward your putting. The fear and anxiety will no longer rule your thoughts and feelings when you step onto a putting green. You will have enough “tools” to understand what you need to do prior to and at the conclusion of each putt and you will be well on your way to “Curing Your Yips”. You will watch another “Pure Putting” video for a new drill and continue listening to the “Pure Putting” audios to enhance your training sessions. You will also read about the importance of implementing proper breathing and relaxation techniques into your training and on-course routines. And this is made easier for you because you can listen to the “Pure Putting” breathing and relaxation audios.
Week 7 – You will continue to learn new drills and watch the “Pure Putting” videos of these drills and then follow along with “Pure Putting” audios as you complete your daily training sessions. These sessions will focus on pace control and green reading skills and how you will test, evaluate and improve your skills in these two critical areas. For the last few weeks of the program your mental training will be geared toward embedding the positive habits you have been learning to date, which will continue to grow your confidence and belief in yourself and your abilities.
Week 8 – You will still be learning new drills and watching the “Pure Putting” videos of these drills and then follow along with the “Pure Putting” audios as you complete your daily training sessions. The shift in technical training drills you’ve been practicing over the past four weeks will have introduced a new level of trust in your putting. You will continue to engrain this trust over the final stages of the program. Your mental training will start to explore your future goals and aspirations and the “Pure Putting” future visualization audio will help you understand how to do this. The future goals training will help you set a course towards achieving and surpassing these goals.
Week 9 – As you conclude the formal portion of the instruction program you will still be training with technical drills and mental drills along with the audio trainers. You will complete the final Long Term Training exercises that you’ll continue to train with after completing the program. The positive habits you’ve learned over the program will be fully embedded and you will feel a new attitude of confidence and belief whenever you think about your putting.
Week 10 and onwards – I will provide you with a less intense Long Term Training program to follow to ensure that you continue to maintain the good habits that you have embedded during the past 60 days. It will include both technical training and mental training drills that you are already familiar with. This will help you to focus your practice on exactly what you need to maintain your confidence and belief in yourself.